
Official Website of the Indonesian Pharmacists Association: Ranai City Division

The Indonesian Pharmacists Association or commonly known as PAFI is an organisation that aims to gather and support the pharmacists in Indonesia. As the organization with a vision of promoting the improvement of pharmaceutical services and the position of the profession, PAFI is an important member of the healthcare system.

Official Website

The official website is to advocated as an informative and interactive tool for the management, members and associates of the police force. HUBIC is used as a communication platform where users can interact as well as gain access and new information related to pharmacy.

Key Features and Content


Bright and uncluttered, home page offers first-time visitors an instant sense of the missions and functions of the division.

They have a large slider where people can display the next meetings, important messages and Leaders’ briefings of the most significant actions made.

Members can easily update themselves with the goings-on in the said industry and the healthcare field through a news ticker.

About Us

In this section, historical background, vision, mission and organizational structure of PAFI Ranai City Division will be stated in detail.

They can read about the division’s leadership and their education and experience that makes them qualified to work as Division Leaders in the company.

This is where the details concerning membership information, the benefits of being a member and how to apply for the membership are provided.

News and Update

This contemporary section comprises current articles and news releases together with pharmacists’ weblog articles and press releases.

Seminars, workshops, conferences and socials which are to be held in the near future are grouped and presented in a clear events calendar.

Online registration forms, timing schedules and profile of the speakers are easily accessible.

Photographs from previous events help sample the division’s rich activities while videos from past events give a glimpse of the passion put in these events.

Members Area

This particular section can only be viewed and read by the members of the PAFI Ranai City Division and they too must be registered.

It has members’ home that allows users to edit their profile, change their contact details or view other features available to them.

Such forums and boards allow variety of members to interact and learn from one another.

Members are also encouraged to engage in on-going professional development through Webinar and on-line courses will keep members updated to new development within the field.

A dedicated job listing portal and a career resources center helps the members in their career advancement and employment opportunities.


This section highlights the various pharmaceutical services offered by PAFI members in the Ranai City area. Within an interactive pharmacy locator map, one may find varieties of pharmacies in the vicinity and their contacts.

The community is provided with educational resources concerning safe use of medicine, drug interactions or any general health issues.

There are guidelines on how to dispose off drugs properly to ensure safety for humans and preservation of environment.

Publications: has a section dedicated for scientific articles, research papers or journals that are pharmacy and healthcare related.

Member achievements, research findings and industry updates can be published in a newsletter or magazine by the PAFI Ranai City Division.

Moreover, links to other external publications and resources serve to enrich the knowledge base of both the members as well as visitors alike.

Contact Us:

Visitors to PAFI ranai city division can make inquiries about anything using simple contact forms available in

For those who prefer direct assistance, they can quickly find contact information about specific departments or personnel.

Moreover, directions to the division’s office as well as a location map would be very helpful in case one wants to visit.

Extra attributes:

Application for Membership and Online Renewal: The site avails individuals to apply or renew of their membership online so as to speed up the process of becoming a member.

Portal for Donations: It allows all supporters to contribute towards the procedures and programs which have been put in place by the division through an online donation portal.

Sharing Through Social Media: Links to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram account associated with the division help people interact with each other from different platforms.

Multilingual features: The website may be texted in different languages including English and Indonesian so that many people from different backgrounds can understand it better.

Accessibility features: This ensure that differently-abled persons can also use this website since it meets the web accessibility requirements an individual who may be having disabilities.

Mobile Friendly: This means that one can view this site using their smartphones and tablets without experiencing any interruption or difficulties whatsoever.

Integration of Analytics: User behavior will be monitored by website analytics tools which would allow them to make a focused analysis to enhance its performance and usability for the users.


The PAFI Ranai City Division does a significant role in enhancing communication, advancing career growth and fostering good health among members of the pharmacy community based in Ranai City. has plenty of information that empower pharmacists to thrive in their careers while improving public health and community well-being through various resources and engagements.

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